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It Isn’t Work!

Have you noticed that some people who teach about wellness and healing use the word “work” when they are talking about how to go about making change with our lives? I’m sure you’ve heard some say “I am doing the work with meditation, complementary therapies and still, I am slow to progress.” I talked about this frame of mind in last week’s newsletter and how you are not at fault if your dis-ease still lingers. This is always true, you’re not to blame for any of it. However, what I wanted to pinpoint today is the way we use the word ‘work’ in reference to the things we choose to do to move the needle on healing.

I have never thought of my journalling, tai chi exercises, chosen diet, or even my meditations as ‘work’. Work is such a heavy word, and to me, work is a word that carries an almost negative tone to it like when we say: “I have to go to work.” “I have to do this work.” “I need to do more work.” If you think of all of the wonderful things you do for yourself to reach and maintain a high vibe as work, those tasks are going to feel heavy and arduous.

If you can take the word ‘work’ out of the equation, then you can feel lighter about your exercises, meditations, diet, and your chosen activities. With the absence of the ‘need to WORK on it’, you will begin to feel better, you’ll raise your vibration and you will invite more healing energies into your life!

Much love,



Lidia Maria
Lidia Maria
Nov 01, 2023

I can’t seem to let go of the anxiety from cancer and how badly I’ve been judged by my sons and more I can’t believe it . seems my working in my life’s for so long it definitely been hard work to even feel ok . I’m not . Working on myself hasn’t helped me enough to the point that don’t care h w family see me . maybe I’ll stop working at people pleasing . Ty Anita . Bless you


Jackie Gadret
Jackie Gadret
Oct 18, 2023

I've been reflecting on this and really depends how one sees 'work', it can be positive like 'working out' but it can also be negative. When I think of 'I'm doing the work' or 'I'm working on myself' or 'work in progress', it means that it can be hard at times but I can also see the result of my 'work'. ☺️ Evolve is the word that resonates most with me. Thanks Anita. I love what you bring to the world and to me personally. ❤️


Vicente J Subiela
Vicente J Subiela
Oct 12, 2023

Who am I when I do not work, or when I do nothing useful? Identification with action / task / work has limited many men and women. So, which word could we use instead of "work"?...Maybe play?: " I am going to play by meditation "


Oct 11, 2023

You are so good at taking the fear away Anita! Thank-you and bless you!


Oct 11, 2023

Again and again, your posts are soothing, broadening and enlightening like a breeze of fresh air 💫🌟 !

Thank you, Anita

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